Year 5 Spring Two
Class: Year 5 Year: 2021 - 2022
In Spring 2, Year 5 explored the magical world of Peter Pan by developing their comprehension skills and language through an archaic text. The children were able to put all of their VIPER skills to work by examing the text and characters in great detail. In science, we studied the concept of light and how it travels. We experimented with the concept of shadows and how they can change in size and colour, depending on how much light is available.
Continuing on from the last term, year 5 practised their gymnastic skills under the coaching of Beth Tweddle's gymnasts, which the children thoroughly enjoyed. In outdoor pe, we learned a new skill of hockey. This sport was new to a lot of the children and required them to learn a whole new set of skills, which they thrived upon and gained much enjoyment.
This year, World Book Day certainly came alive in our classrooms, with the children looking fantastic in their costumes. In addition, the children embraced International Women's Day - discussing who they are inspired by and why, which was wonderful to hear!
Last but not least, after studying World War Two, we embraced a day-in role by dressing up in a variety of WW2-inspired clothing from land girls, and soldiers to evacuees. Throughout the day, the children built their own miniature Anderson Shelters, played games, listened to music from the 1940s, and had food from that era, which went down as a treat for some!