Achievement through Happy Learning

Mini Police

Staff and governors at Hatton Hill Primary School are committed to providing children with the very best education. Such an education involves high quality learning opportunities in all the curriculum subjects, but it also involves educating the whole child by extending their learning beyond the formal curriculum and preparing them for adult life within the wider community.

We are, therefore, delighted that Hatton Hill continues to take part in the exciting Mini Police project organised by Merseyside Police:

What is Mini Police?

Mini Police is an innovative and fun police engagement programme, which is delivered in schools with the support of Police Community Support Officers (PCSOs) from the local neighbourhood police team.

The aim of Mini Police is to provide school children in Years 5 or 6 (aged 9-11) with a fun and interactive way to introduce children to a positive experience of policing and to get them involved in the local community.

Our Mini Police programme aims to:

  • Introduce policing as a positive influence to children

  • Build relationships, trust and confidence in children

  • Nurture feelings of social and moral responsibility, safety, and policing through a fun and engaging programme of activities

  • Encourage children to positively engage with their local community policing team

  • Reduce their risk of becoming offenders or victims

  • Work together with partners to begin to instil age-appropriate safety-awareness

The programme revolves around a framework of:

  • Police led education - This being an educational input which will cover issues identified in partnership with the school and will involve current priorities and areas for concern e.g. road, fire, water safety, knife crime, internet safety etc.

  • School led community engagement – A community action carried out by the children to include local priorities e.g. litter picking, parking awareness outside school, speeding etc.

  • Reward – This is a means of thanking the Mini Police for carrying out the above elements e.g. a visit to a police station or specialist unit (Dogs/Control Room), a visit to a fire station etc.

“Our Mini Police will support the force priorities, through participation in community engagement events. Those involved can look forward to developing a confident voice through enjoyable experiences.Children who become part of the programme will help to tackle local issues, as highlighted by their own communities.  By assisting the police service, we hope they will also carry that ownership and pride back into the community they live in.” Merseyside Constabulary

Mini Police at Hatton Hill has been successful year on year, with our miniature officers experiencing a range of opportunities which will help them develop their sense of community and duty, for example, taking part in speed watch operations; visiting the police horses; attending the launch of Hate Crime Awareness Week and even starring on Crime Watch. See below:


Mini Police Team Building Hike

We are very fortunate at Hatton Hill to be part of the Mini Police project. Children in Year 6 are given the opportunity to work with Merseyside Police on a range of projects which develop their understanding of citizenship. Our latest cohort of Mini Police hiked up Rivington Pike, learning to work as a team and showing resilience when the hike became challenging. The photos certainly show happy children! It is wonderful that our children have the opportunity to be part of the police family, learning from excellent role models.

The Museum of Policing Visit

The new cohort of Mini Police had the opportunity to visit the Museum of Policing in Warrington. The children were able to explore the history of policing, by listening to the wonderful guides and exploring primary resources. It was a fascinating morning.

Happy 50th Anniversary Merseyside Police

Five of our Mini Police had the honour of attending Merseyside Police’s 50th anniversary celebration. The event show cased the rich history, achievements, and future of Merseyside Police. Our Mini Police had the opportunity to look at police vehicles, past and present; forensics; the pop-up museum; and they met some Chinese lions. The Mini Police also supported Chief Constable Kennedy as she buried time-capsule which will be opened again in 50 years – we even added a few photos. It was a fantastic opportunity for the community to come together, interact with officers, explore police facilities, and learn about the important work our police do. We thank Merseyside Police for once again affording our children a fantastic and unique opportunity.

The Museum of Policing 

The new cohort of Mini Police had the opportunity to visit the Museum of Policing in Warrington. They were able to explore policing through the ages as well as looking at a vast selection of artefacts. We were amazed at how much policing has changed over the years and found it hard to believe that at one time the police only had a whistle with which they caould call for help! We were also fascinated by the vehicles and the harsh punishments for people, including children, during the Victorian era. As always, we thank Merseyside Police for welcoming us into the policing family and giving our children such unique and valued experiences. Also, our thanks to the volunteers at the policing museum who were lovely and very knowledgeable.


No Long Faces Here!

Our Mini Police had the opportunity to visit the mounted section, coming face-to-face with the most beautiful police horses, some of whom are seen in town, at matches and at The National. We learned how horses are used in modern day policing and about each horses' personality – they are all very different! We also watch the farrier replace a horse's shoes, and we thoroughly enjoyed warming ourselves under the horse’s solar lamp. The opportunity to take part in Mini Police is similar to an early work experience and we are very fortunate to be part of the policing family.


Economic Crime Event

Our Mini Police worked hard with the Economic Crime Team in The Strand to draw attention to the different frauds affecting people online, by phone or post, and even door-to-door. Fraud devastates lives and it is important that we are all aware and vigilant to the scams out there. Lots of really useful advice can be found here: and we would encourage families to spend a little while reading up on the different scams so that you can be one step ahead. If you are concerned that you may be a victim of fraud, you can contact Action Fraud (the fraud fighters) on 0300 123 2040. You can also call Crime Stoppers on 0800 555 111, or ring 101.


The Thin Blue Line Awards

Our Mni Police were invited to represent Merseyside's Mini Police at the recent Thin Blue Line Charity Awards. On arrival, the children were given a tour of the new Police HQ at Rose Hill. They were then treated to pizza and cookies! With tummies full, the Mini Police were transported to the Liver Buildings in a police van where they completed their duties. This involved forming a Guard of Honour to meet and greet guests as they arrived. The children thoroughly enjoyed this wonderful learning experience and we, as always, thank Merseyside Police for affording our children such unique and memorable experiences.


Speed Check Event

Watch Out; Mini Police About!

Once again, our Mini Police were out and about monitoring the speed of traffic on Hatton Hill Road. Under the close supervision of the police, they were able to take the speed of vehicles. If cars were travelling too quickly, they were pulled over and our Mini Police had a quiet word with the drivers about the importance of sticking to the speed limit. A memorable experience for both the children and drivers!

Team Building Hike

We are very fortunate at Hatton Hill to be part of the Mini Police project. Children in Year 6 are given the opportunity to work with Merseyside Police on a range of projects which develop their understanding of citizenship. This week a group of Mini Police hiked Rivington Pike and completed this team challenge with flying colours. I received extremely positive feedback from the officers and I am proud that our children have the opportunity to be part of the police family learning from excellent role models.

Speed Check Event

Watch Out; Mini Police About!

Our Mini Police were out and about monitoring the speed of traffic on Hatton Hill Road. Under the close supervision of the police, they were able to take the speed of vehicles. If cars were travelling too quickly, they were pulled over and our Mini Police had a quiet word with the drivers about the importance of sticking to the speed limit. A memorable experience for both the children and drivers!

The Museum of Policing Visit

The new cohort of Mini Police had the opportunity to visit the Museum of Policing in Warrington last Friday. We were able to explore policing through the ages as well as looking at a vast selection of artefacts. It was truly fascinating. As always, we thank Merseyside Police for welcoming us into the policing family and giving our children such unique and valued experiences. Also, our thanks to the volunteers at the policing museum who were lovely and very knowledgeable.

Mini Police: Bike Marking Event

Mini Police joined community police officers to organise a bike marking event on our playground. Children, parents and friends of our community were able to bring their bikes to be marked and registered on a national database. This should act as a theft deterrent and also increase the likelihood of recovering a stolen bike. The Mini Police were efficient - they communicated confidently with bike owners; ensured registration forms were completed and secured the security tags to bikes. Our parents were so supportive of the Mini Police and it lovely to see children in action. Thank you to our community police officers for affording us this opportunity. 

No Long Faces Here!

Our Mini Police had the opportunity to visit the mounted section, coming face-to-face with the most beautiful horses, including veteran horses Major and Silver who are often seen in town, at matches and at The National. We learned how horses are used in modern day policing and about each horses' personality – they are all very different! We also helped with the training of a young horse by pretending to be a noisy crowd, and we thoroughly enjoyed warming ourselves under the horse’s solar lamp. The opportunity to take part in Mini Police is similar to an early work experience and we are very fortunate to be part of the policing family.


The Prevention Launch

The Mini Police were in action again, this time supporting Merseyside Police with their important Prevention Launch at Our Place in Huyton. Hatton Hill Mini Police were tasked with greeting guests and guiding them into the venue. I am always very proud to see the excellent good manners displayed by Hatton Hill pupils put to good use in our wider community. Such was the importance of the event that BBC North West were there and our children were interviewed, appearing on the news that evening. We thank Merseyside Police for continuing to provide these unique experiences.


Economic Crime Event

Our Mini Police worked hard with the Economic Crime Team in The Strand to draw attention to the different frauds affecting people online, by phone or post, and even door-to-door. Fraud devastates lives and it is important that we are all aware and vigilant to the scams out there. Lots of really useful advice can be found here: and we would encourage families to spend a little while reading up on the different scams so that you can be one step ahead. If you are concerned that you may be a victim of fraud, you can contact Action Fraud (the fraud fighters) on 0300 123 2040. You can also call Crime Stoppers on 0800 555 111, or ring 101. 


Community First Awards

Well done to Isabelle and Ava who represented Hatton Hill’s Mini Police at the recent Community Awards in Liverpool. The girls were described by police as sensible and mature, and a credit to the school and families. We received the following message from Chief Constable, Serena Kennedy:

I would like to place on record my sincere thanks to the mini police for their contribution to the Community First Awards on 16th November. 

Their attendance on the red carpet contributed to the sense of occasion and they were all polite and well turned out.

Please pass on my thanks, they are a credit to their schools. 

Serena Kennedy

Chief Constable

Merseyside Police

It is great to see our children involved in their wider community and making a difference. Every child will have the opportunity to take part in the Mini Police project when they reach Year 6 and, as always, we thank Merseyside Police for affording our children such unique opportunities. 


Speed Check Event

Watch Out; Mini Police About!

Our Mini Police were out and about monitoring the speed of traffic on Hatton Hill Road. Under the close supervision of the police, they were able to take the speed of vehicles. If cars were travelling too quickly, they were pulled over and our Mini Police had a quiet word with the drivers about the importance of sticking to the speed limit. A memorable experience for both the children and drivers!

Valuing Volunteers Event

Our children were filmed to promote the work of Mini Police at Merseyside Police's Valuing Volunteers event. We were very impressed by the children's appreciation of the opportunities Mini Police affords them, as well as their understanding of the role of the police within our community. We were also impressed by their confidence in front of the camera! 

Mini Police at the OCC

Our Mini Police had a wonderful morning at Merseyside Police's Operational Command Centre (OCC). Officers with different roles within the team talked to us about how they work together to tackle gun crime. We learned the importance of staying away from the guns and why even handling 'pretend' guns can be very dangerous. It was clear to us all that the officers are highly skilled and work extremely hard to reduce the amount of guns on the streets. We even had the opportunity to talk to different officer with different roles within the team and learn some of the skills they use. We were amazed and thank Merseyside Police (including Ozzie the police dog) for all they do to keep us safe. 

New Police HQ Grand Opening

Mini Police representatives were honoured to be invited to the formal opening of the new Merseyside Police Headquarters at Rose Hill. It was an amazing event with representatives from the many sections of the Force, including the police horses and band. Prince Edward officially opened the building and had a lovely chat with our children. Well done to the children who represented us and to Mrs Kearon for accompanying them. We continue to value our strong links with Merseyside Police and the many unique opportunities it affords our children.


Mini Police Meet the Chief

The Mini Police met the new Chief Constable of Merseyside Police in the new Merseyside Police Headquarters this week. Chief Constable Kennedy spoke to the children about her experience of working in the police and how much she enjoys working within a team. The children learned that there are many jobs within the police force, including mechanics and IT specialists. Importantly, The Chief also explained shared that she has not got every promotion she has gone for first time helping the children to realise that perseverance and determination are key skills to success! The HQ was also an amazingly impressive place to visit. Not only is Mini Police a great opportunity to learn and serve our community, but it also inspires our children to consider what they would like to do in the future. We want our children to be filled with aspiration to work in a field which brings them happiness as well as financial security. The officers we met are certainly inspiring. Thank you to Mrs Kennedy for taking time out of her extremely busy schedule to meet us.


Mini Police: Bike Marking Event

Mini Police joined community police officers to organise a bike marking event on our playground. Children, parents and friends of our community were able to bring their bikes to be marked and registered on a national database. This should act as a theft deterrent and also increase the likelihood of recovering a stolen bike. The Mini Police were efficient - they communicated confidently with bike owners; ensured registration forms were completed and secured the security tags to bikes. Our parents were so supportive of the Mini Police and it lovely to see children in action. Thank you to our community police officers for affording us this opportunity. 


Mini Police: Help Keep Children Safe

At the last minute, our Mini Police stepped in to help produce video clips for a training event for Police and their partners. The training event will help professionals identify signs which may tell them a child is in danger or needs help. Our children were filmed in their Mini Police uniform reading statements, for example, "If I told you I am meeting a stranger I met online...what would you do?" The clips will now be used at a conference so professionals can consider and learn what they can do to best support a child in each situation. 

The children learned their lines, then spoke clearly and confidently into the camera. It was a mature topic yet our children were trying to think of their own answers to each situation and they did think of some very sensible actions which would help keep another child safe. Parents should be very proud of their Mini Police. 


The Community Van

The Mini Police had planned a speed check operation on Hatton Hill Road, but heavy rain scuppered their plans. Instead, they were shown the community van which is full of clever features, such as a mini kitchen; fold away desk; USB sockets and even a TV screen on the outside of the van! Thank you once again to our local policing team for giving us this opportunity. 


Speed Check Event

Watch Out; Mini Police About!

Our Mini Police were out and about monitoring the speed of traffic on Hatton Hill Road. Under the close supervision of the police, they were able to take the speed of vehicles. If cars were travelling too quickly, they were pulled over and our Mini Police had a quiet word with the drivers about the importance of sticking to the speed limit. A memorable experience for both the children and drivers!

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Hatton Hill Primary School Alwyn Avenue,
L21 9NZ
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Get in Touch
Anna James Headteacher
0151 928 7012 [email protected]
Our Values

Our Values are not unique They are the values that underpin our society and allow us to live in a nation which strives, through its laws and actions, to be responsible, tolerant and inclusive. They are supported by our work towards Rights Respecting Schools.