School Governors
The governing body of Hatton Hill School plays a crucial role in the life and work of our school. Governors are drawn from different areas: staff; parents; the local community and the local authority. The governing body can also co-opt additional help from individuals with particular expertise. School governors have legal duties, powers and responsibilities. They must act together; they cannot act individually. The role of governor is an exciting and challenging one that offers a unique opportunity to understand more about how the school works and to help shape its future direction.
Hatton Hill School has an active and committed governing body with a shared desire to work in partnership with the school leadership team and staff to further improve the school thus providing the very best education for the children in our care.
The governing body is accountable for the strategic direction of the school and for the quality of education that it provides. At Hatton Hill Primary School, governors fulfil this role by:
Attending governing body meetings
Sitting on one or more of the 3 main sub-committees
Participating in joint staff and governor development events;
Supporting the school and representing the governing body at school events;
Keeping up to date with developments in the education sector and attending training and events provided by Sefton Council.
Becoming a Governor
Being a parent governor can be an enjoyable, worthwhile and challenging way to help the school. It is also a great opportunity to get to know the school community better and work with a great team of people.
Governors commit to the role for four years and when a vacancy comes up for a parent governor all parents are notified. All parents are encouraged to consider becoming a governor and if more than one person puts their name forward then an election of all parents takes place.
Hatton Hill Governing Body 2024/25
Headteacher | Mrs A James |
Chairperson | Mrs Kerwin |
Vice Chairperson | Mrs Mosses |
Clerk to Governors | Miss Taylor |
Name | Category | Date appointed | Appointed by | Term of office | Roles and Committees |
Anna James | Headteacher | 01.09.2013 | Governing Body | N/A | Headteacher |
Emma Sambrooks | Parent | 05.11.2019 | Parent election | 4 years | EYFS & Childcare; Standards & Progress; Staff Dismissal Appeal |
Christine Kelly | Parent | 31.10.2020 | Parent election | 4 years | Standards and Progress Pay & Performance; Resources; Staff Dismissal; Complaints Appeal |
Moira Hill | Parent | 04.11.2020 | Parent election | 4 years | EYFS & Childcare; and Resources; staff dismissal |
Sarah Gee | Staff | 01.09.2021 | Staff election | 4 years | Resources; Standards and Progress |
Breda Mosses | Co-opted | 01.09.2021 | Governing Body | 4 years | Chairperson; Resources; Standards and Progress; EYFS & Childcare; Pay and Performance; Staff Dismissal Appeal |
Susan Kerwin | Co-opted | 03.12.2021 | Governing Body | 4 years | Standard and Progress; EYFS and Childcare |
Deborah Roberts | Co-opted | 03.10.2022 | Governing Body | 4 years | Standards & Progress; Childcare & EYFS |
Steven Handy | Parent | 28.01.2023 | Parent Election | 4 years | Standards and Progress; Resources |
Rob Armes | Local Authority | 10.06.2023 | LA Appointment | 4 years | EYFS & Childcare; Resources; Staff Dismissal |
Rev'd Ravinda Sangra | Co-opted | 11.10.2023 | Governing Body | 4 years | Resources and Staff Dismissal |
Geraldine Pollock | Co-opted | 03.07.2024 | Governing Body | 4 years | TBC |
Former Governors 2024/25
Name | Category | Date appointed | Appointed by | Term of office | Stood down |
Pay and Performance |
Resources |
Standards and Progress |
Childcare and EYFS |
Anna James |
Anna James |
Anna James |
Anna James |
Breda Mosses |
Breda Mosses |
Breda Mosses |
Breda Mosses |
Jennifer Metcalfe |
Jennifer Metcalfe |
Jennifer Metcalfe |
Jennifer Metcalfe |
Christine Kelly |
Christine Kelly |
Christine Kelly |
Moira Hill |
Moira Hill |
Emma Sambrooks |
Emma Sambrooks |
Emma Sambrooks |
Sarah Gee |
Sarah Gee |
Steven Handy |
Steven Handy |
Rev’d Ravinder Sangra |
Susan Kerwin |
Susan Kerwin |
Debby Roberts |
Debby Roberts |
Rob Armes |
Rob Armes |
Register of Interests
Name of Governor |
Declared Interest |
Nil Return |
Record of Attendance 2023/24
Name | Scheduled Meetings | Meetings Attended | Apologies Accepted | Absent |
Anna James | 17 | 17 | 0 | 0 |
Rob Armes | 10 | 9 | 1 | 0 |
Sarah Gee | 10 | 9 | 0 | 0 |
Steven Handy | 10 | 6 | 4 | 0 |
Moira Hill | 11 | 1 | 10 | 0 |
Christine Kelly | 14 | 6 | 8 | 0 |
Susan Kerwin | 13 | 12 | 1 | 0 |
Breda Mosses | 17 | 16 | 1 | 0 |
Rev’d Ravi | 7 | 7 | 0 | 0 |
Emma Sambrooks | 15 | 13 | 2 | 0 |
Debby Roberts | 9 | 5 | 4 | 0 |
Named Governor for Safeguarding |
Mrs Sambrooks |
Named Governor for Attendance |
Mrs Sambrooks |
Named Governor for SEND |
Mrs Mosses |
Named Governor for Maths |
Mr Armes |
Named Governor for English |
Mrs Hill |
Named Governor for Computing |
Mr Handy |
Named Governor for Pupil Premium |
Mrs Kerwin |
Named Governor for Sports Funding |
Mrs Hill |
Named Governor Health and Safety |
Ms Kelly |
Named Governors for Mental Health & Well-being |
Mrs Roberts |
Named Governor for EYFS |
Mrs Frazer |
Named Governor for the Broader Curriculum |
Mrs Kerwin |
Named Governor for GDPR |
Rev'd Ravi |