School Performance
Information about our school’s performance is available through the links below.
We recommend that you contact our school should you have any queries, or make an appointment to visit our school to get a full picture of work and play at Hatton Hill Primary School.
School’s Performance Tables
Gov Performance Measures: Hatton Hill
Ofsted Reports
Ofsted is the Office for Standards in Education, Children’s Services and Skills. Ofsted reports to Parliament and remains independent and impartial. Ofsted inspects schools as they provide a child’s education and other important skills. Ofsted works with schools to promote improvement. See: for further details on the inspection process.
Please see below for Downloadable Reports.
2024 Attainment: Key Stage 2 SATs
The Key Stage 2 SATs are administered in formal exam conditions and marked externally. Please note that this data includes all children, even those with a high level of need who are not accessing the KS2 curriculum and, therefore, unable to access the Key Stage 2 SATs. We are proud to be an inclusive school.
Percentage of pupils who achieved: |
Average Score |
Expected Standard |
Greater Depth |
Reading |
104 |
73% |
17% |
Grammar, punctuation and spelling |
104 |
71% |
15% |
Maths |
105 |
76% |
27% |
Writing |
83% |
20% |
Reading, writing and maths |
59% |
12% |
Disaggregated 2024 Key Stage 2 SAT Results
We pride ourselves on being an inclusive school. Sometimes children have very specific cognitive or physical needs; as a result they cannot access the Key Stage 2 curriculum. Some children may be unable to sit the assessments, however if the children wish to ‘have a go’ at the tests alongside their peers, we encourage this. Our first priority is the children; we are guided by their voice and needs . We are driven to achieve the very best for our children; occasionally this cannot be measured through data. Below is our disaggregated data which reflects only the achievement of the pupils who were accessing the Year 6 curriculum at the time of Key Stage 2 SATs:
Percentage of pupils who achieved: |
Average Score |
Expected Standard |
Greater Depth |
Reading |
104.9 |
81% |
19% |
Grammar, punctuation and spelling |
104.7 |
83% |
17% |
Maths |
105.9 |
94% |
31% |
Writing |
92% |
22% |
Reading, writing and maths |
64% |
11% |
2023 Attainment: Key Stage 2 SATs
The Key Stage 2 SATs are administered in formal exam conditions and marked externally.
Percentage of pupils who achieved: |
Average Score |
Expected Standard |
Greater Depth |
Reading |
103.3 |
74% |
25% |
Grammar, punctuation and spelling |
103.7 |
75% |
21% |
Maths |
102.3 |
72% |
7% |
Writing |
74% |
9% |
Reading, writing and maths |
58% |
Disaggregated 2023 Key Stage 2 SAT Results
We pride ourselves on being an inclusive school. Sometimes children have very specific cognitive or physical needs; as a result they cannot access the Key Stage 2 curriculum. Some children may be unable to sit the assessments, however if the children wish to ‘have a go’ at the tests alongside their peers, we encourage this. Our first priority is the children; we are guided by their voice and needs above reported outcomes. We are driven to achieve the very best for our children; occasionally this cannot be measured through data. Below is our disaggregated data which reflects only the achievement of the pupils who were accessing the Year 6 curriculum at the time of Key Stage 2 SATs:
Percentage of pupils who achieved: |
Average Score |
Expected Standard |
Greater Depth |
Reading |
104.7 |
82% |
26% |
Grammar, punctuation and spelling |
105.2 |
84% |
24% |
Maths |
103.3 |
80% |
9% |
Writing |
84% |
18% |
Reading, writing and maths |
66% |