Achievement through Happy Learning

The Year 6 Residential

Lesson: Personal, Social and Emotional Education

Class: Year 6 Year: 2022 - 2023

Year 6 returned on Sunday from a fabulous hiking residential trip to beautiful Yorkshire, staying in the Malham YHA. We began with a stunning hike along the Ingleton Waterfalls Trail and the next day completed the circular walk around Malham Cove, stopping to see Gordale Scar and Janet’s Floss. There was also opportunity for exploring, paddling, fossil casting and a crash course in map reading making use of GPS (grass pointing sticks) to follow a route on a map. Behaviour was exemplary and we received so many compliments from members of the public. Other more experienced walkers were delighted to see a school still providing this type of opportunity for children. I want to say a huge thank you to Mrs Bishop, Ms Bennett and Miss Privilege for giving up their weekend to make this experience possible as well as the 24/7 TLC they provided for our children. It is easy to take for granted the great generosity of spirit shown by Hatton Hill staff. We appreciate the kind comments we have received from parents.

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Hatton Hill Primary School Alwyn Avenue,
L21 9NZ
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Anna James Headteacher
0151 928 7012 [email protected]
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Our Values are not unique They are the values that underpin our society and allow us to live in a nation which strives, through its laws and actions, to be responsible, tolerant and inclusive. They are supported by our work towards Rights Respecting Schools.